jag är rädd för ALLT!

 Jag har förlänge sedan konstaterat tillsammans med lite hjälp av Sophie och Dennis att jag är rädd för allting! Seriöst jag är en liten mes på 1.58 som är rädd fäör hela världen, så nu snodde jag ett test från Sophie´s blog för att fastställa exakt hur patetisk jag är.


[ ] homosexual people
[x] the dark
[x] being single/alone forever
[x] being myself in front of others, (that depends..)
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces
[x] heights
[ ] black cats
[ ] birds
[ ] fish
[x] ants
[x] moths
[ ] driving
[x] flying ( I have developed a small fear of flying, cus i haven´t been on an airplane for what, two years?)
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
[x] water (dark water, and the water in swedish lakes)
[ ] the ocean
[x] failure
[ ] success
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[x] mice/rats ( mostly think they are disguting)
[x] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
[x] my mom ( haha sometimes)
[ ] wind
[ ] cotton balls
[x] cemeteries at night
[x] clowns (specially their laughs)
[x] large crowds ( when I´m in the middle of them i can freak out)
[x] crossing bridges (I´m afraid of hights so?)
[x] death
[x] dying alone
[ ] heaven
[ ] my parents not liking who i am
[ ] being robbed
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibility
[x] doctors (i'm scared of the needles they use)
[ ] dentists
[x] my house burning down
[x] tornadoes
[x] hurricanes
[x] diseases
[x] loosing my iPod/mp3
[ ] snakes
[ ] sharks
[x] guns
[ ] friday the 13th
[x] being stuck where you are
[x] ghosts
[ ] halloween
[ ] school
[x] trains or railroads
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[x] being alone at night
[ ] growing up
[x] monsters under my bed (haha is that corny?) XD
[x] creepy voices in the night.
[x] bee stings ( I got like a million og those when I was young so, yes very scared)
[x] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] blood (in small amounts)
[x] someone you love or care about getting hurt
[x] someone you love or care about hurting you
[ ] love
[x] losing a loved one
[x] getting paper cuts
[ ] falling while im running
[ ] spiders
[x] feet
[/] needles (Only when the doctor is gonna run a blodtest on me xO  )
[x] falling down the stairs
[x] drowning
[x] ladders ( again I´m afraid og hights)
[ ] being labeled
[ ] tattoos
[ ] people that dont speak english/swedish
[ ] getting in trouble
[ ] skinnydippers
[ ] strobelights
[ ] Hurting someone
[ ] vacuums
[x] rejection
[x] car crashes ( I cant even sleep in the car, Im sure that e´re going to crash and that I´ll die in my sleep)


If you get more than 30 you're paranoid. I´m totaly paranoid.

Har du någon fobi eller rädsla, vad?


Postat av: elin

getingar O_O

2007-06-05 @ 07:20:59

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